
- The names of the invigilars must be indicated to protect the rights of the mediaform e.q.i candidates .. in any way the examination center (Mac- MediaForma Authorized Center) can replace the names of the same. Only the figures authorized by the Mediaform E.Q.I.A. They may be present. Only they are granted access to the examination classroom together with the candidates. Mediaform E.Q.I.A. reserves the right to replace one or more invigilars with its own member in the event that it is considered necessary for the compliance and correct performance of the tests.

- The student must be equipped with a valid identification document which will be checked by the invigilars before accessing the exam.

- Each electronic device/device (mobile phone, tablet, computer etc.), paper material, bag or container must be delivered to the invigilars and cannot in any way be introduced into the examination. The Mac exam center will guarantee them custody in special premises ensuring its conservation.

- The Learner must subscribe to a declaration that authorizes the center and/or mediaform inspectors E.Q.I.A. On the video, record the exam session. The video products will be kept and used only in order to guarantee the correct and compliant performance of the tests and in any way can be disclosed or shared with third parties not part of the examination cycle and mediaform quality E.Q.I.A. in full and complete respect for students' privacy.

- The candidate must be informed that his exam test can be supervised by an Inspector Mediaform E.Q.I.A., duly provided with authorized recognition badges, sent for surprise control for that given Mac exam center.

- If the candidate has to stop the test for physiological needs, the exam material will be delivered to the Invigilars who will note the event in the presence register and in the examination report. The material will be returned to the student when he returns to the classroom.

- If the candidate is surprised in suspicious attitudes that can induce to consider the same guilty of cheating, the candidate will immediately be removed from the examination classroom and his examination will be withdrawn. The Invigilars will immediately notify the event on the examination report and on the appearance register. In addition, the invigilars will have to fill in the appropriate suspension notification document carefully and in detail.

For the safe and track of the mediaform exams E.Q.I.A. Esol Qualifications in Paper Based Format mode is provided with a series of documents that accompany the materials for the tests whose detailed compilation is an integral part of the correct performance of the session.